How often do you read a newspaper?

Sunday 1 April 2012

New Newspaper

I have redesigned my newspaper product because after conducting target audience feedback on Survey Monkey I noticed that a lot of the comments mentioned that my old product did not attract a young target audience and that my old product was not well designed. Therefore I chose to redesign my newspaper and the two inside pages to meet my target audiences needs. 
I added more colour to my front page to make it more attractive and eye catching. I also made sure everything was inline and nothing stuck out or looked out of place. I made more suitable adverts which had more colour on them, and also met my target audiences needs, for example a 25% off surfing lesson advert meets young peoples needs to find thrill and excitement (Hall 1904) and encourages them to try something new and of course local. 
I added more short clips of stories that featured inside the newspaper which kept more in line with my style model. This also used more white space and made the newspapers meet my target audiences needs. I chose to use information found on the Eden Projects website because the music festival is a local, exciting, and youthful and it will bring more interest to my newspaper. I added a games section to  show that the newspapers has more than one function, instead it informs, entertains, and engages the reader. The bar code is placed smaller and down the bottom alongside the date and issue number. Again this keeps with my style model. The last item I placed on this was the sport section which follows conventions of the i. I made sure that my image stuck out of the box which makes the newspaper seem more layered rather than flat.  
Overall I feel more confident with this product because it meets my target audiences needs more, and creates a fresh feel to a local newspaper. 

The second and third pages again were refurbished because they lacked quality and did not use enough white space, making it look bare. I still kept to the contents down the side but made the box grey, the same colour scheme as used on the front page. I also added my masthead but made it have a drop shadow, therefore again creating the effect that the paper was layered. The story takes up the first half of the page while coloured boxes, more in a magazine style here because it brings a youthful feel to my newspaper, are along the bottom. These contain small stories or football scores, finally summing up with a weather report. Along the bottom is a advert for a upcoming album produced by a local young man, which brings interest to local youths. 

This is the last page which has come along way. I added two more adverts because this is a common feature of local newspapers, who rely more on advertising to make a profit and keep the newspaper afloat. I made the headlines bolder and larger to attract the eye and alined all of the text. I also added a grey box, copied from the contents page, to create a sense of repetition and bring a regular feature to light. I added more photos because this is what I intended to do from the start, and I felt that my first attempt did not have enough content in the form of photography. I am very happy with this attempt because I feel that I have improved greatly and learnt from my first attempt in terms of what my target audience want.