How often do you read a newspaper?

Thursday 1 December 2011

Pension Plans

Since teachers across the country are going to be striking I felt that this would make a good front page story, and therefore will be attending Truro's strike with my Sony a290 and notepad.
I did a small amount of research into why teachers are striking and found some interesting salary figures and pension plans for the leaders of our country. This is important because it adds value and fact to my story. This means I gain the readers trust and support and by using such dramatic facts because they compare themselves and feel degraded. 

                                          Salary                  Pension                            Pension Pot   

David Cameron            £142,500                £32,978                                £550,725
Francis Maude             £134,565                £43,825                                £731,883
George Osborne          £134,565                £32,978                                £550,725
Nick Clegg                    £134,565                £28,404                                £440,000
Eric Pickles                  £134,565                £43,825                                £731,883
Vince Cable                  £134,565                £39,551                                £660,507
Andrew Lansley          £134,565                £39,551                                £660,507
Danny Alexander        £134,565                £26,404                                £440,942

I am looking forward to making progress towards my first story, though where it will be placed in the newspaper is at yet, unknown.


  1. It is good to see you making progress towards something practical now Laura. You are showing that you are aware of the need to shoot material appropriate to the task set by taking a camera with you and doing background research on the story is definitely what would be expected of you in the industry.

  2. Try to add some information here about why the politicians salaries are important in this story?
