How often do you read a newspaper?

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Camelford Poisoning Water Plant Photos

I went to the water works to take photographs of the site, though was unable to gain entry. This was a shame but I managed to get some good shots. 
It was a shame the shot below has a wire going through the top half, though on photoshop I could edit this out and crop the picture to also remove the windmill. This is one of the few that I might chose to use. 

I like the below shot, though I have to be careful of not slipping into the realms of too creative. The works stand out, and there is depth to the photo. 

This is the same shot as above, though in landscape format. 

This is a wide angle shot, or establishing shot of the treatment works. I managed to get part of the wing mirror into this photo and would have to either crop or edit this out for it to be used. The wire again is a problem. 

This is a much better shot than the other few because it uses a wide angle to gain depth and sets the scene, but also I have no glare from the sun, no wing mirror from the car, and no wires in the upper half. I am very pleased with this photograph. 

I wanted to gain a more industrial photograph and therefore chose to place the large fence in the foreground. It gives the feeling that the photo should not have been taken; that the place has something to hide. This fits in with the tone of the story. 

I went for a more creative shot here, using the height of the windmill to give depth to the photo. The sun creates a flare on the lens which creates a very slight silhouette. I had to be careful on not getting too much lens flare.  

This is a prime example of what I did not want to get in my work. I chose to shoot with the sun in the left hand side of the photograph. I will keep this in mind not do be doing this again. 

I then headed to Crowdy Reservoir and managed to take some photographs of the water, along with the horses that went grazing there. This gave the photograph a professional feel combined with aesthetic pleasure. I personally like the photo below because it combines all the mentioned above.

This below is another favourite of mine because of the water leading the eye into the photograph. The next few do this and I am considering using these on the website, where a computer screen will bring out the resolution better than being printed off. 

Overall I am happy with the shoot and I know that it meets my target audience because the images are unique, and are more creative than normal conventions of newspapers. If I were to do this again I would go earlier in the morning or later at night when the sun is not so high in the sky.

1 comment:

  1. A really fantastic demonstration of your commitment here Laura with a great selection of images. You have shown an ability to frame a shot, using a variety of shot distances as appropriate and shooting material appropriate to the task set; selecting mise-en-scène including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting. These images are well shot and will accompany your story brilliantly.
