How often do you read a newspaper?

Saturday 17 March 2012

Gay Marriage Photoshoot

This was a photoshoot for my article on gay marriage. I asked two good friends if I could photograph them for my story and they kindly agreed. The below photo was a tester photo, where I was trying to get the correct aperture and shutter speed for the studio. This came out too bright therefore I adjusted to a better setting. I also used a softbox to control the amount of flash. 

This photo is ok at first glance but the top of the studio backdrop can be seen. This could be cropped out in photoshop. I do not like the way my friends are standing/looking at each other; personally I feel a more professional shot is required. 

This photo is good apart from the way the subject on the right is looking: not at the camera. 

This photo is too dark to be used in my product. The flash did not go off on the softbox, therefore making the photo very dark.

This photo is good for the use of light, and since it is a medium close up it is a common convention of newspaper photography.

I like this photo because of the lighting on the backdrop; it creates a sense of depth to the photograph. This could be used on the front cover.

Again the flash did not go off, making the subjects hard to make out.

This photo is one of the better few. I like the lighting, and although the subject on the left is not looking at the camera, it does not ruin the photo. This has a high chance of being used.

I wanted to include different shots in my work, though I feel that by not using a medium close up the emotion is lost in the blackness of the photograph. The rest below are proof of my theory and I will have to consider which photo I use wisely.

1 comment:

  1. Some excellent photos here Laura, demonstrating your ability to frame a shot, using a variety of distances as appropriate, shooting material appropriate to the task set; selecting mise-en-scène including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting, manipulating photographs as appropriate, including cropping and resizing.
