How often do you read a newspaper?

Wednesday 21 September 2011

What is Survey Monkey? - YouTube

Survey Monkey allows me to collect data for surveys which will help with my research into target audience, and what they would like to see published in my newspaper. It is easy to use and has build in templates which means my survey can be published quicker. Since most of young people (who my newspaper will be aimed at) are now on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites, Survey Monkey allows me to publish straight onto my timeline, or as a tweet, which allows for a wider range of results, rather than asking people to fill in a paper survey. This also means that unlike the paper versions it cannot be lost (unless the whole system goes down which is highly unlikely), and cannot be damaged. By using new technologies during my research I am able to progress forward.
Gauntlett said in 2007 that 'new technologies break the boundary between producer and consumer' which is true in relation to my work. I am a student though I am also going to become a producer, editior and publisher all this year. All of this can happen because of new technologies.

Again this can be part of my website, and this will enable me to keep up with my target audience by allowing me to post and embed surveys at any time, and do to with any context. 

1 comment:

  1. Further demonstration of your connection to new technology in your coursework Laura which is good to see.
