How often do you read a newspaper?

Friday 14 October 2011

New Head of PCC

This links back to my previous post about the PCC, and possibly a new future for newspapers.
Again this was taken off the BBC News website, so the language is more relxaed and the only graphology is the small image of Lord Hunt in the top right hand corner. The paragraphs are small, more like bite size chunks of information for people to read while on their lunch break, and allows for news to be digested quickly. It also allows for scan reading to be much more effective, rather than a newspaper which contains larger paragraphs in a smaller font. During my creative process I deciding on if I should use this technique or not to attract teenagers, since nowadays young people want information fast, since they are being brought up with everything being a touch of a button away.

Link to the news clip of the speech of Lord Hunt

1 comment:

  1. A good piece of research that links to a previous blog post, proving that you are continually researching this subject area.
