How often do you read a newspaper?

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Synopsis for The Cloud

“The media have great influence in terms of how groups are represented and the legislation is there to ensure that individuals are not misrepresented in any way” (Hall and Holmes, 1998).

The news can reach us by many forms of media and the newspaper is one of the most popular. I have chosen to create a local newspaper for Cornwall with the target audience being young people as I feel that the local area lacks on representing youth in a positive light, and providing for their needs. It could be said that one of the main reasons young people are not trying as much nowadays is because the industries that present news constantly put them down. 

Hall (1904) stated that teenagers need excitement and if this cannot be found in legal matters then they turn to drink, drugs, and sex. The aim of my newspaper is to encourage teenagers to become part of the media again; to encourage them to think differently. It may not be as exciting as partying late on a Friday night but showing youth in a positive light will start to make the change for the better. 

The stories will be condensed apart from the main story as it is known that young people lose interest quickly. I will be following similar conventions of 3 newspapers; the i for condensing news, The Guardian for being youth friendly, and The Cornish Guardian for being local, all in all creating a hybrid newspaper designed for young people. 

The newspaper will contain adverts aimed at young people and I have considered upcoming games, local events and products, and coupons for the Eden Sessions. I will only have a few adverts in my newspaper, though I am aware that this is the main source of income. 

My poster will be innovating with colours and images, rather than just black and white text on a plain white background. It will advertise the newspaper as well as the story and attract and persuade young people to purchase the product. 

My website will follow conventions of other newspaper websites, with the masthead being in the top left, and having scroll bars where news can flash up and down constantly, giving the website an overall feel of professionalism. The stories will have a tone of informality, like the stories in the newspaper which creates an anchor for young people, and allows them to take in the information easier. 

Overall my newspaper is innovating for young people because it constantly refers back to my target audience. Representation of the primary target audience is important because it makes them aware that the newspaper will represent them and their needs. Therefore when you plan a product it is important to consider who your primary target audience is in order to get this right.
 “All media texts are re-representations of reality…they may be stereotypes or they may be complex representations but it is important to remember that they have been constructed to appeal to a particular target audience” (Hall and Holmes 1998).

1 comment:

  1. A good synopsis that discusses your choices in a clear way. I look forward to seeing the finished result.
