How often do you read a newspaper?

Friday 13 January 2012

Sections for the newspaper

When creating my website I want to have some idea of what headings and links I will place along the top. To gain some ideas into common conventions of real products I screengrabbed newspaper websites sections and analysed them below.

The first noticeable thing about this tabbed bar is the order of links. News of course comes first, and has  sub-links under it to group related stories such as 'UK' or 'People'. This allows it to meet the target audience because it keeps the audience interested but also allows them easier access to the stories they are after. The colours do not make the bar stand out from the rest of the page but this then makes sure attention is not taken away from the main story. I am surprised at the order of the tabs, with sport closer to the left than I thought it would be, and opinion second. Personally I thought 'opinion' would be better placed with 'blogs' and 'student' but this is obviously the newspaper trying to attract their target audience by showing that the readers voice is held in high regard. I think I would use student, arts and ents, sport, and news out of the tabs below for my own product as this meets my target audiences needs. 

The first tab here is 'home' which is a good idea because it allows the reader to always have the option of going back to the first page. This again has sub-tabs which link to features found in the newspaper such as horoscopes and property. It also advertises the new iPhone App, which means that more of the target audience can be hit with the product. The colour blue connotes masculinity and also is the main colour of the newspaper therefore making the blue background of the sub-tabs a good choice. News is second next to U.S and columnists is placed last. Sport becomes fourth which again is very high compared to what I was expecting to find and therefore I will also place it around the same area on my own product, following the common conventions of real products. Coffee Break is a tab by itself which is interesting but allows viewers to read news in short clips while on a lunch break, again making sure their target audience requirements is hit. Personally I will follow some conventions but not all because I feel this lacks in some professionalism even though this is a published website. 

 The last tabbed bar I was analyse is very simple and plain. The main colour is black, which comes across very as formal for a website, and there is no sub-tabs. Again 'home' is placed first therefore I will also follow this convention because I like the idea of my viewers being able to link back to the main page without hitting the back button in their browser. Sport comes straight after news showing that this is a common convention and 'blogs' is further to the left than on the first screenshot showing that this website is more interested in the viewers opinion. Finance, culture and travel all prove that the target audience for this website and newspaper is a group of people who have money, and enjoy exploring the riches of the world. Overall I enjoy how simple this is and would like to replicate the style. 

1 comment:

  1. A good piece of research here into a similar product and how you are going to follow these conventions.
