How often do you read a newspaper?

Friday 9 March 2012

Advert 3

I made a square document so my advert would fit in my newspaper. I had to measure the size of the gap   and make sure my advert would not overlap anything.

I followed the same colour scheme as my other advert and used a grey gradient. Personally I feel now that it really lacks in colour and will not stand out in my newspaper. I wish I had not used this gradient for this advert. 

My masthead does not stand out from this at all because of the use of the same gradient and to improve I wish I had used colour. I also wish I had made my masthead large so it might have a chance of standing out. I used the rulers to aline the masthead on the document because I did not want my masthead to be titled to either side and look wonky.

I chose what I thought was a reasonable font which would attract young people. I like the font, but not the placement. I feel that the advert looks boring and not creative enough for a final piece. 

I added the last line informing my readers on how to subscribe to the newspaper. I am not happy with the result and feel I need to create another newspaper advert. 

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